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Bilden Neuseeland und Neukaledonien einen Kontinent?

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17.02.17, 16:29:34


Ein solcher Kontinent, der hier Zealandia genannt wird, wäre aktuell zu 94% mit Wasser bedeckt, bildet jedoch demnach einen eigenen Festlandsockel.
In a paper published in the Geological Society of America’s Journal, GSA Today, they said Zealandia measured five million square kilometre (1.9 million square miles) and was 94 percent underwater.

The paper’s authors said it had only three major landmasses, New Zealand’s North and South Islands to the south, and New Caledonia to the north.

The scientists, mostly from the official New Zealand research body GNS Science, said Zealandia was once part of the Gondwana super-continent but broke away about 100 million years ago.

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