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He said instructions had been given out to the Kota Tinggi district veterinary services office to hand over the carcass of the kid to the state Veterinary Services Department la­­boratory for tests to be conducted.

He said research would be conducted on the kid’s carcass to find out the reasons behind its human-looking features.

This included investigating the possibility that the mother goat was violated by a human, he said.

It was reported that Ibrahim Basir of Felda Sungai Mas was shocked to find that one of the goats had given birth to a baby goat with a face, nose, short legs and soft body that resembled that of a human infant but was dead upon discovery.

Despite the humanly features, the kid reportedly did not have any umbilical cord and Ibrahim even turned down offers to buy the carcass and instead reported the case to the veterinary authorities.


Man darf auf die Untersuchungsergebnisse gespannt sein.

Mancherorts steckt man Eltern ins Gefängnis, die ihre Kinder aus ideellen Gründen nicht zum Arzt bringen. Anderswo schützt man fremde Kulturen mittels Strafen vor Kontakt und Einmischung.
01.05.16, 20:28:21
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